Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Studies 2

More studies. Times vary from thirty minutes to an hour.


Never planned on watching Prometheus until this project came up. It was an alright movie, though not my piece of cake per se. Had fun working on the environment piece for this. I used one of the parking garages as inspiration for this piece. I think Commander Shepard would approve. 


Martian Chronicles Project

 The sci-fi project for Thom's class was probably the most fun I've had in ages. Designing characters and creatures was tough but well worth the energy to see them start to come out in the end. Didn't quite finish, but I'm surprised I got so far in such a short amount of time and with a minimal amount of sleep.

Sadly this was another painful reminder that I need to backup my data regularly so I don't lose all my work like I did shortly after this project.


Practice with lighting, composition and detail from Thom's class. Can anyone guess which movie these were from? The monument valley piece was done in about 30-40 hours. The screenshots are one hour each.


This was done in memory of my great aunt Betty. She was a tough and energetic old lady even until her passing, just a few days short of 100 years. She is deeply missed. And I don't believe anyone has perfected her amazing fudge recipe to this day.

The art of the book

A lil something I did with markers for the kindergardeners of Foster City School. Each year they do an animal book project and I get asked to teach them how to draw their respective animals. Some manage to surprise me for being 5-year olds. I may have some competition in the future. This was my book to show as an example. It's cute how kids are easily impressed.